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Year 6

Our Class Teachers for Year 6 are:


Mrs Hayward

Eagle Class


Mrs Neumann

Raccoon Class

Our support staff for Year 6 are: Mrs Goddard, Mrs Parsons, Mrs Smart, Mrs Smith and Mrs Tucker.

Year 6 Letters

Year 6 Newsletter - Summer Term

Year 6 Newsletter - Spring Term

Year 6 Welcome Letter

Year 6 Curriculum

Please see the following documents/links for information on the Year 6 Curriculum at Parsons Down Partnership:


Junior School Parent Handbook

Subject Overviews and Other Curriculum Documents

Reading and Writing

Recommended Reads

Reading Passport - Upper School

Spellings - Statutory word list

More Spelling Resources

Maths Vocabulary Mat

Science Vocabulary Mat - Autumn 1 & 2

Science Vocabulary Mat - Spring 1

Science Vocabulary Mat - Spring 2

Science Vocabulary Mat - Summer 1

Science Vocabulary Mat - Summer 2

Purple Mash

Times Tables Rock Stars!


Supporting your child's learning

Please refer to the UK Government website for full details on the National Curriculum framework.

SATs Information

SATs Information Evening 2024

Mathematics Test Mark Schemes

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Mark Schemes

English Reading Test Mark Schemes

Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Assessments: Practice Materials

Rhos y Gwaliau Residential Trip

Year 6 take part in a residential trip to Rhos y Gwaliau in September. Please find a PowerPoint below with further information:

Presentation to parents

Email address: 

Learn together. Grow together. Succeed together.
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