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Our Eco Story So Far...

We are coming to the end of our first year registered with Eco-Schools and we have come such a long way in a such a short time! I am hoping to apply for our Green Flag very soon!

Together, we have recycled crisp packets and pens, switched off electrical items when not in use and learned about the importance of water - raising money for Water Aid in the process. Everyone should be incredibly proud of these achievements.

Environmental work has also been covered in our Curriculum from Healthy Living in Year 2 to The Rainforest in Year 5/6. And, of course, the Our Planet Projects, set during lockdown, provided a great scope for eco learning across all year groups.

We also set a competition to come up with our Eco-Code. We had lots of wonderful entries. Prizes for the winner and runners-up are on their way. Well done again to Thomas for his inspired Eco Rap.

One of our final steps is to evaluate the work we have done so far and think about how we could build on it. This is something the Eco-Committee have considered throughout the whole process and we discussed lots of ideas in our meetings before lockdown. The committee have also responded to an evaluation questionnaire sent out before half term. The full evaluations are on the Eco-Schools page on our website.

This is just the beginning of our Eco Story, but I like where it's going and can't wait to see what happens next...



Learn together. Grow together. Succeed together.
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