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Eco-Schools Video Meeting - 11/11/20

In this week's Eco-Schools meeting, Miss Shepherd shared some eco facts and figures. Did you know it can take up to 80 years for a crisp packet to break down in the environment?!

Up until now, we have been recycling our crisp packets through the Terracycle scheme. However, we became aware of an organisation that turns crisp packets into survival blankets for homeless people and they are looking for donations of crisp packets in the lead up to Christmas. The Eco-Committee voted unanimously to donate all of our crisp packets collected over the next few weeks to this very worthy cause.

Miss Shepherd also summarised the findings of the Environmental Review and asked classes to decide which 2 eco topics they would like to focus on over the next 2 years before we apply for our next Green Flag. (We will also continue with the 3 topics we started working on last year - Energy, Water and Waste.) We will let you know, when the votes are in, which 2 additional topics have been chosen.


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