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Eco-Schools Update

Before Christmas we held a Waste Warriors Week and focused on food waste. Each class did different projects to find out about the impact of food waste on the environment, such as high amounts of energy and water used, the effect on animal habitats and how the earth is warming up and affecting the ozone layer.

Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 are now recycling their fruit waste at snack time, using the compost caddies and bags that were donated to the school. Year 6 are looking forward to the garden re-opening after the building work so they can start using the compost bins again and have been helping to monitor food waste recycling in the hall at lunchtimes.

All the eco-councillors felt extremely proud to be part of the West Berkshire video about eco-schools. We are now about to start planning an Energy Experts Day in the summer term.

James and Willow S



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