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Eco-Schools Update

"We were very proud of ourselves and everyone at school for being awarded an Eco Champion Award from Thatcham Town Council. We were quite nervous about standing up in assembly and meeting the mayor but he was very friendly and we liked it when everyone clapped. Everyone at school has played a big part in achieving this award.

We are challenging everyone to let their green space grow and are taking part in No Mow May. Letting the grass and flowers grow is good for wildlife, especially bees! At school the grass on the roundabout and around the trees on the field will grow wild in May, but don’t worry, we will still make sure the grass is cut on the football pitch! Please comment on our school Facebook page with pictures of your garden growing wild in May.

We want to remind you that glitter has been banned at our school. This is because it’s a microplastic that gets into the environment and the sea. It can be swallowed by animals and make them ill. Thomas and Ollie have asked Mrs Dickie in the office not to order anymore glitter, and Layla and Elizabeth have also spoken to Mrs Neumann and Mrs Billings, who are in charge of Art and DT.

We have also worked with the PDSA to find an alternative to single use glow sticks at the disco. They will now be selling glowing foam tubes, which are reusable because you can change the batteries. Thank you to the PDSA for helping us in our eco mission!"

Ollie and James




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