On Thursday 2nd November the eco-council met to gather the ideas from their classes about our new Eco-Schools Topics. We then voted on our favourite ideas.
This year we hope to create signs and posters to remind people to turn off electrical devices when they’re not using them and turn off the lights when they leave a room. We would also like to organise an energy saving day when classes cannot use electricity. We thought this might be a good idea for Outdoor Classroom Day in the summer.
For our Marine topic we would like to plan another non-curriculum day where we raise money for the Marine Conservation Society. On this day we will plan art activities where plastic is reused to make sculptures and write stories about saving the ocean.
We’d also like to continue the last eco-council’s work on Plastic Free Schools and look into banning glitter. As part of the School Grounds topic, we would like to improve our school garden. Soon we will be asking for volunteers to help us clear it out and make it ready for planting new things in the Spring. We would like each year group to take responsibility for a raised bed and grow fruits and vegetables. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!
Elizabeth and James