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Eco-Schools Update

On Tuesday, the Eco-Committee held their first Plastic Free Schools meeting. Isla and Shreyash did an amazing job of chairing the meeting. They disucssed the following questions:

Is plastic pollution (litter) a problem at your school?

The committee decided that we do still have an issue with litter even though we have regular lunchtime litter picks.

Where is plastic pollution escaping from in the school grounds?

Drains and blown by the wind.

What can we do to eliminate single-use plastics from our school?

Encourage less single-use plastics in lunch boxes.

No single-use plastic at breaktimes.

Ban certain single-use plastics altogether.

We have now completed the first out of 5 objectives for Plastic Free Schools. Our next objective is to create a Trash Mob to see what types of plastic pollution are on the school grounds.


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