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Eco-Schools Update

In our last Eco-Schools meeting, we evaluated our litter topic actions. The children mentioned that sometimes the litter picking at lunchtime wasn't happening. We decided to add the litter picking rota to the noticeboard on the shed so that it was easy for most pupils to see at lunchtime. We are now also reminding the relevant teachers and lunchtime support assistants each week so that they can let the litter monitors when it is their turn to litter pick.

We also evaluated our litter picking statistics and graphs. These showed that the amount of litter picked every week did not seem to be reducing. We, therefore, decided to come up with ways to stop people littering in the first place. We came up with the following ideas:

  • Lead by example and pick up litter ourselves if we see it.

  • Give out eco gems for pupils who are seen picking up litter.

  • Move the litter bins so that they are spread out and in places where litter is likely to be created.

  • Run a Partnership anti-litter poster competition.

All of these ideas have been taken on and we are currently in the process of collecting in the competition entries. These will be judged by the Eco-Committee in the next few weeks.


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