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Biodiversity Day

On Tuesday, the children enjoyed all sorts of wonderful activities for Biodiversity Day. The day started off with an assembly by the Nature Discovery Centre (NDC), where manager Steve talked about different types of animals and the habitats they live in. Steve and Jess, from the NDC, then led workshops for years 1-6 in our Partnership garden. Classes were split into groups and each group were assigned a different animal to build a habitat for. There were lots of creative ideas and some very clever thinking. One group in year 5 even used a black object for the snake habitat so that it would heat up in the sun to warm the cold blooded reptile!

Meanwhile, class teachers provided lots of different biodiversity activities in classes and outside, including making seed bombs for pollinators and feeders for birds.

Children were invited to come into school in non-uniform, wearing something animal themed. We also collected donations for the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) - the charity that funds the NDC. We will let you know the total amount raised once we have collected everything and counted it up.

For ideas on taking action for wildlife, take a look at the BBOWT website:


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