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An Impressive Year of Eco-Schools Actions!

This year, our Eco-Committee selected Energy, Litter and Waste as their Eco-Schools topics and we have had a truly action-packed year!

We have continued to have class monitors for switching off electrical items not in use. Our Year 6 IT Monitors also check the IT Suite and library at lunchtime and the end of each day to make sure computers are switched off. We continue to recycle crisp packets and pens with Terracycle. In December, we sent 3.135kg of crisp packets to Iron Man Survival Blankets so that they could be made into insulated and waterproof blankets for people living on the streets.

The food, plastic and metal recycling bins we received in September have allowed us to increase the waste that we recycle in school. As well as recycling our food waste in the lunch hall, we are also composting the KS1 snack waste. We have also started to collect printer cartridges for recycling - a box has been placed in reception for parents to drop off their empties.

This year, we have started regular lunchtime litter picks which take place on a Tuesday and Thursday every week. Each class has 2 litter monitors who are allocated a week each term via a rota. We have also taken part in a litter picking event organised by Thatcham Litter Pickers for the Great British Spring Clean. Together, we filled 40 bags worth of litter! We are currently working on ways to further reduce litter in our school, including running an anti-litter poster competition to raise awareness of the issue.

In November, we took part in a Waste Warriors Week where the children explored different ways to reduce food waste. Staff from West Berks Council joined us on the day to create a film about our journey with Eco-Schools.

In the Summer Term, we took part in a non-Curriculum afternoon where the children learnt about the different types of energy, where it comes from and how we can help to conserve it. Following this, our Eco-Committee came up with their Top Ten Energy Saving Tips which have been shared with pupils and parents.

On top of our topic actions, we have also made an impressive donation of 242.5kg of food to the West Berks Food Bank, transformed our Partnership garden with the help of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, taken part in Outdoor Classroom Day and sowed a wildflower meadow at Rivar Sand and Gravel!

We are so proud of the environmental actions we have taken this year and will be applying for our Eco-Schools Green Flag award in the next few weeks. Wish us luck!



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