Welcome to the Parsons Down School Association (PDSA)
What is the PDSA?
Parsons Down School Association is a registered charity, set up to raise money for the school. Our team is made up of elected members and Committee volunteers. At the beginning of every school year an Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held for members to be elected.
This year's elected PDSA Committee members are:
Chair - Kylie McLeish
Treasurer - Julie Dickie
Secretary - Julie Crocker
All parents and carers at Parsons Down Partnership Of Schools are considered members of the PDSA when their child joins the school.​
What do the PDSA do?
Together we organise fundraising events such as bake sales, discos, competitions, gift sales and much more! We plan and organise all these events throughout the school year to raise as much funds for the school as possible.
How can you help us?
Anything you can offer!
Whether you support us as a committee member or a volunteer you are helping to provide great opportunities for our children giving them the best education and enjoyment at school. We welcome you to come along to our meetings and get involved. We aim to meet up every 6-8 weeks in the evening either at school or at a different premises.
If the company you work for can help with Match Funding please get in contact - we could double our funds with your help!
We have volunteer sheet links on Facebook for upcoming events.
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PDSA Events​​
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