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Parsons Down Partnership takes part in Eco-Schools - a global environmental programme with 19.5 million involved. It is a pupil led programme, run by an Eco-Committee comprised of children and staff. There are ten Eco-Schools topics for the Eco-Committee to consider:



Global Citizenship

Healthy Living



School Grounds




For 2023-24, we have chosen Energy, Marine and School Grounds as our Eco-Schools topics.


To find out more about our eco achievements, please read our blog posts towards the bottom of the page.


Our Eco-Committee 2023-24

Our pupil Eco-Committee members are: William M (Giraffe Class), Ivy S (Zebra Class), Caden H-S (Woodpecker Class), James S (Elk Class), Rupert S (Sabre Class), Ollie T (Hedgehog Class), Thomas H (Jaguar Class), AJ (Wolf Class), Layla H (Eagle Class) and Elizabeth B (Raccoon Class).

Our Deputy Eco-Committee members are: Luca R (Giraffe Class), Ben S (Zebra Class), Lux D (Woodpecker Class), Suniha P-K (Elk Class), Bella-Rose N (Sabre Class), Connor I (Hedgehog Class),  Holly S (Jaguar Class), Natalie W (Wolf Class), Lauren S (Eagle Class) and Kit J (Raccoon Class).

Eco Action Suggestions

Collated ideas from classes, staff and parents


Eco-Committee Meetings

Meeting Minutes - 13/06/24

Meeting Minutes - 25/04/24

Meeting Minutes - 14/03/24

Meeting Minutes - 01/02/24

Meeting Minutes - 11/01/24

Meeting Minutes - 30/11/23

Meeting Minutes - 02/11/23

Meeting Minutes - 12/10/23

Meeting Minutes - 05/10/23

Eco Assemblies

Glitter Amnesty

Hedgehogs and No Mow May

Microplastics - Glitter Ban

Ocean Protectors Day

Switch Off Fortnight

Sustainable Christmas

Cut Your Carbon


Environmental Review 2023-24

Action Plan 2023-24


Cut Your Carbon Campaign Checklist Example

Cut Your Carbon Campaign - Ideas To Improve Engagement

Cut Your Carbon - School Newsletter

Switch Off Posters

Energy Spot-Check - January

Energy Spot-Check - February

Energy Spot-Check - March

Energy Spot-Check - April

Energy Spot-Check - May

Energy Spot-Check - June

Energy Monitoring Analysis



Letter to Eco Badge Company

Coop Mass Unwrap - School Newsletter

Letter To MP

Letter To local paper

Ocean Protectors Day

Ocean Protectors Day - School Newsletter

Penny Post Blog

Newbury Today

Eco Friends Blog

Glitter Ban

Anti-glitter Poster

School Grounds

No Mow May - Facebook and blog post

No Mow May results

No Mow May - School Newsletter 

Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day - School Newsletter

Curriculum Links

Year 3 - Eatwell Plate

Year 4 - Water Cycle Display Board

Year 6 - Wildlife Sketching and Mosaics


Please let us know if you would like to help or contribute in any way to our Eco-Schools work. If you have any suggestions that you would like to share, please contact our Eco-Coordinator directly:


Learn together. Grow together. Succeed together.
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